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Stop working too hard en focussing on other's expectation....  
Choose with clarity and peace for the job that makes your heart beat!

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After a session with Anneke you go home with an enormous boost in self confidence and at least 3 groundbreaking insights. 

Emma, PhD student

What would it be like for you to enjoy going to work every day and come home full of energy? To feel that you can really make a difference with your talents and qualities? And your work being seen and appreciated?


By being clear about what you bring, to stand for what you need and to trust your heart, you can work in a way that not only pays your rent or mortgage, but also bring you energy, self esteem and fulfilment.

A beating heart, beats everything


“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, because what the world needs is more people who have come alive”  
(Howard Thurman)

From hard work to heart work

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No doubt you have done something with all your heart. Something you gave to others that gave you energy too. Where the process was already fulfilling and not just the end result.


However, in our work we regularly choose for the other, instead of for ourselves. We rather choose from fear than from passion. And we usually make the most important choices with our head, while the heart is the only thing that counts.


Enjoying your work and making the greatest impact with your qualities and talents is ultimately about consciously choosing a job that suits you. Not one that seems right on paper, but one that feels right and makes your heart beat faster.


I'm Anneke and I support you to make the step from doing what's expected to following your talents, qualities and heart.
In my approach I combine awareness and spirituality with a healthy dose of pragmatism. Oh yes, and if you opt for live coaching, I'd love to meet you outside in nature!

Find the job that makes your heart beat faster

Work with me to find the job that fits you like a glove. The following steps are central to my services:

Gain clarity about your unique talents, qualities, passions and experiences, which are leading in what you have to bring and what gives you energy.

1. Who are you?

Recognizing and standing for what you need to work well, paves the way to contribute effectively and purposefully and thus increase your impact.

2. What do you need?

In this last phase we look at which path to take to find your job and which external and internal obstacles you will need to overcome on the way. 

3. How to get there?


A firm foundation, so you can make your own powerful choices. 

A listener that hears more than you say.

No unsolicited advice. But the tools that make you your own advisor. 

Not always easy, but simple and effective, exercises.

A coach you can trust, so you can work on your selftrust.

No sweet talk. But openness, honesty and transparency. 

When working with me you may count on:

Choose a job that fits

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Yes I want this!


Are you done working too hard and getting frustrated?
And ready for a job that gives energy and fulfilment?

© 2021 by Anneke Dekker Coaching en Workshops| Fotografie: Minimal-U & Unmask Photography

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